Monday, September 16, 2019


The clown whom police consider responsible for a series of attacks in the Froghill area has struck yet again.

The latest incident occurred during yesterday morning’s service at St. Alfege’s church, just as the Reverend Lionel Hassock had begun the week’s reading.

“My text was taken from Revelation, Chapter 8,” said the Reverend Hassock, concluding with verse 13, which reads: ‘Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth.’ I was intending to relate that particular verse to Boris Johnson’s tenure in Downing Street.

“I had got to verse 6: ‘Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them’ and continued into verse 7, ‘The first angel sounded his trumpet….’ when I was interrupted by several loud parping noises, which seemed to be coming from the back of the church.”

Instead of seven apocalyptic angels, each equipped with a trumpet, the faithful of St. Alfege’s turned to find an odd-looking man brandishing a squeeze-bulb horn.

“He was dressed in a bowler hat, wig, baggy clothes and oversize shoes and shouted the words ‘Zeferelli is the spawn of Satan!’ three times in a loud voice,” said the Reverend.

“Then he bent down and squirted one of the congregation with water from a flower in his lapel.”

After launching a paper dart, which flew the entire length of the aisle and landed at the foot of the pulpit, the intruder turned and waddled out of the church, parping his horn as he went.

Quickly pocketing the projectile, the Reverend Hassock composed himself and continued with the service as best he could.

Unfolding the dart in the vestry after the end of service, the Reverend found himself staring mystified at the following:


Were you among the congregation at St. Alfege’s yesterday morning? Do you know the answer to this latest riddle? If so, contact Froghill Police on 0372 51111. Calls will almost certainly be recorded, as someone from IT has finally fixed the answering machine.

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