Sunday, July 14, 2019


An unexpected sight awaited Wythering resident Roy Barrowman as he opened the curtains yesterday morning. For there, smack in the middle of his front lawn, was a large chunk of metal with his name written across it.

“I’m pretty certain it wasn’t there when I went to bed on Friday night,” the retired sausage handler told the Observer, “because I’m sure I would have noticed it.

“So you can imagine my surprise when I looked out of the window to see this great grey thing with the letters ROY on it, sticking out of the front garden.

“Now I did think I heard a thud during the night,” he said, “but I put it down to a dream I was having about anvils.”

Unsure what to do about the situation, Roy phoned the police who, in turn, appealed to the Froghill Institute for Social History for assistance.

“It’s not really my area of expertise,” said FISH head Dr. Crispin Mortlake after an examination of the 10-by-16-foot metal sheet, “but judging by its thickness, colour and the presence of rivets, I would suggest that it’s a piece of a ship.

“Moreover, given that the three stenciled letters almost certainly form part of a longer word, I conclude that this is a fragment from the bow section of HMS Ark Royal.

“The depth to which it penetrated the soil suggests that it must have fallen from a considerable height,” Dr. Mortlake added.

“Mr. Barrowman is exceedingly lucky it didn’t land on his house.”

Asked what he intended to do with the huge and unexpected addition to his garden, the 79-year-old said he wasn’t yet sure.

“I’m not yet sure,” he said, “though I might turn it into a water feature. After all, it’s got my name on it and no-one else in the street has one.

“But that’s not my main worry at the moment,” said Roy, “because the cat didn’t come home yesterday and I can’t think where he might have got to.

“The last time I remember seeing him was the night before last, when he was out on the front lawn, playing with one of my old surgical supports.”

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