Dexter Oddbin, who has been missing from the Swansdike Institute for Care
and Kindness since May 9th, has been found alive and well.
The 24-year-old, who suffers from the persistent belief that he is Dolly the Sheep, was discovered in a field at Rayling’s Farm yesterday afternoon.
“I was out tending the flocks down in Ebbet’s Field and I saw one sheep
that looked a bit odd,” said Stephen Rayling, “her coat was all long and
straggly, which was strange, as we’d finished all the shearing by the beginning
of this month.
“So, seeing as how I weren’t that busy, I decided I’d give her a quick
trim. Imagine my surprise when a voice shouts out ‘Ow, that hurt!’ just as I
went in for the second pass with the clippers. Turns out it wasn’t a ewe at
all, it was a bloke dressed in three Arran sweaters!”
Mr. Rayling alerted the authorities and Oddbin was taken to Froghill
police station while he awaited staff from SICK to come and take him back to
his ward.
“He was confused and incoherent,” said Sergeant Harry Parsnip, “when we
asked what had happened to the three bags of wool he’d had with him, he
muttered something about his master, his dame and some little boy or other.
“I couldn’t make head nor tail of it.”
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