Saturday, March 2, 2019



I read your article The Force Will Be With You, Says Hardman (Observer, Feb. 28) with increasing unease. While I’m all in favour of the harshest measures for the thieves who stole Wythering Pond or the pranksters who put Viagra in the water supply last Christmas, I really feel I must protest at the Detective Inspector’s proposals.

While the police have every right to feel safe when on duty, does DI Hardman have any idea of the destructive capability of laser-guided ballistic missiles? Even the shortest-range missile has a blast radius of several hundred metres. Firing one at a fleeing villain in the town centre would effectively vaporise the town centre along with the villain.

For my money, the best way to immobilise a miscreant is to bring him down with a bolas. These are cheap to procure and easy to master – it’s simply a matter of spinning your balls correctly. Additionally, a bolas is highly accurate over short distances.

Once restrained, he (or she, as is increasingly the case in these benighted times) should be taken to the Mungo Park Road Recycling Centre. After being stripped of his nether garments, he should have his fundament firmly attached to the inlet valve of the municipal methane gas generator. There he (or she, etc.) should stay for a period commensurate with the severity of his (or her, etc.) offence, exposed to the elements - no pun intended - and fed exclusively on laxative chocolate. That way, criminals would simultaneously perform a service to community and suffer for their wrongdoing.

Such measures would, I am sure, enable our police to quickly ‘get to the bottom’ of the current crime wave, as well as providing Froghill with a valuable supply of cheap, renewable energy.

Yours faithfully,

Sir Hugh Fyffes-Banana,

Buckshot Grange,


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