Tuesday, March 26, 2019



While running errands in the Froghill area yesterday, I came across no fewer than three cars parked so that their wheels overlapped the ends of double yellow lines. In one case, as I discovered upon measuring, this overlap was by as much as eight inches.

Now you might call me old-fashioned, but I personally believe that double yellow lines exist for a reason. Such casual flouting of the law simply is not good enough. No parking should mean precisely that: no parking.

To add insult to injury, I noted that none of those three vehicles was displaying a penalty notice, which prompts the question: where are our law enforcement officers? Do I pay thousands a year in council tax for any Tom, Dick or Harry to park just as he pleases?

No doubt, had the offenders actually been booked, they would merely have been required to pay a fine. An affordable sum, conveniently dispatched online, is hardly likely to serve as a deterrent. No – I believe that something much more stringent is called for.

I propose that those guilty of thoughtless parking should have double yellow lines tattoo’d along the length of their bodies. They should then be required to lie naked on the road while their own vehicles are parked squarely on top of them. That should make damn sure they never do it again.

Yours indignantly,  

Sir Hugh Fyffes-Banana,

Buckshot Grange,


1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more! By the way, what IS the PP of "tattoo" ?
